Sunday, September 15, 2013

100 facts...about me!

This post was supposed to Bo published on fri

I probably won't post anything over the weekend because...
1. I havve classes and hw
2. my dads at home
3. I'm a very lazy person

yea ill just post some stuff "write" not(get it AHAHA no)
I've been posting a lot becuase i am way too lazy to do homework so yea...

1. I am Chinese
2. I like the colors green, black, and orange..not together though
3. I go to Tino (no duh)
4. My schedule is 1-math 2-science 3-PE 4-drama 5-spanish 6-LIT
5. All my bad classes are scattered...fml
6. My least favorite classes are: math, pe, drama, lit
7. I don't like math class because im in a class with only 1 other freshman and i feel stupid because i have a D....i don't like taking notes so rest is self explanatory
8. I don't like PE because we have to do conditioning which i hate
9.I don't like drama cuz 1st of all i didn't choose it and none of my friends are in it
10. well none of my friends are in my other classes either...
11. Lit....i hate reading/writing...but the teacher is AWESOME
12. I miss miller/some of my old friends but they probably don't care about me anymore
13. I am typing this with a crappy acer computer...
14.I am planning to joining/joined these clubs: fbla, christian, robotics, math
15. thanks to bio, I technically killed a fish, 2 leaf bugs, about 7 rollie polies, 2 plants, 1 snail, and about 20 lady bug one day
16. I also killed a snail named in robotics yesterday...well i didn't know he was gonna die if we left him on a paper towel
17. Its 6:31 right now
18. my best mile time is 6:46, best 400 is 1:15
19. last time I ran a mile i deproved about 2 minutes....
20. I am a black belt and im kinda ashamed of that....don't ask why
21. The fact that these numbers/lines are not lined up is killing me
22. My phone is red, i did not get to choose the color
23. I have a blue/black/white backpack
24. I used to have a roller backpack and i would look like a dork running with it and tripping
25. I have a facebook, 7 gmails, 5 yahoos, 2 hotmails.....but i only use 3 of these accounts
26. I share 2 fbs with my mom for candy crush saga
27. I am on 156 on candy crush (i think too lazy to check)
28.My least fav day of the week is prob saturday until I make friends in AIME class
29.I have a reading and drama project i really dont want to do
30. I still didn't start on my hw
31. I don't watch tv
32. I really need a no school day where my dad isn't home/i have no other classes
33.I am being a bad girl and not wearing my retainer
34. I hang out with like 7 ish ppl with equal boys/girls and the girls end up ditching me when im doing something stupid and this guy keeps on following me and its annoying
35.I am not even half way and I dun think i can finish
36. I get to see my friends today yaayyyyy
37. I don't use my locker anymore cuz im lazy D; locker combo is ??-??-?? HA like im gonna tell you
39. Im stuck at school til 5:30 on mondays and thursdyas
40. I know chinese, english and im learning spanish
41.i have instagram but i dun use it...i made a twitter just so i can ask someone a question..they never replyied
42.I have a slow typing speed...
43. I have another blog that I share with my friend.... I actually don't know the link LOL
44. today is friday the 13th AHHHHH
45. Someone's getting on my last nerve (ball and chain alert!)
46.used to play piano...quit...playing a weird string instrument now
47.I'm trying to self learn guitar
48. I just got off my braces a week ago(from sunday)
49. Is 50 facts enough?? :(
50. I like donuts
51. I like cake
52. I like hot cheats
53.I like facebook
54. Candy Crush Saga!!!
55. I like funnel cake
56. I like French fries
57. I like potatoes
58. I like cookies
59. I don't like watermelons(sorry)
60.I don't like spinach
61. I don't want to swim in spring D:
62.I didnt go to church in 3-4 weeks?? That's really sad D:
63.I can never have a clean bedroom bday:02-03-99
65. I have a credit I don't use
66. I have a collection of pennies from a bet but I won and still didn't get my money
67. I suck at every single sport in this world
68. I kind of miss mile club
69. ^_^
70. I have 1669 photos on my us that possible
71. I have a ds lite, a wii, and a ps1
73. I am a Christian
74. You've just wasted a ton of time
75. I wonder you if noticed I skipped 72
76. I wonder if you noticed that 75 is grammatically incorrect
77. oh I skipped 49 too!
78. Trololololool
79.I have a second test curse in math...
It's usually the wort test of the year
80. My nickname=giraffe
81.other nicknames:dudu durian spiderAmanda chArMANDAr
82. I can't cook to save me life
83.of you wanna see watt I mean by messy ...
< insert pic here>
84. I think our mascot is too cheesy
85. 4950!!!!

to be cont.....

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